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Bakers' Dozen share $500K

13 medical staff at Quesnel hospital's third floor won big in LottoMax
Memorial Hospital were thrilled to learn they would share in $500

Thirteen 3rd floor medical staff at G.R. Baker

Memorial Hospital were thrilled to learn they

would share in $500,000 – their winnings

from Lotto Max. Each had their own plans

for their $38,461.53 share of the win. The

group shared their win with another ticket

purchased in the prairies. Back row, left to

right: Charlotte Mastre - “Its a dream come

true”; Kitt Hendricks - pondering his options;

Selena Mackenzie - family vacation; Mike

Brautigam - nice trip for the family; Nicole

Lattman - family vacation; Dwayne McKerlie

- wedding and honeymoon; Melissa Ramsay

- property; Val Neadow - renovations; front

row, left to right: Crystal Ferreira - a couple of

trips in the near future; Betina Buten - ponies;

Diane Judge - retirement fund; Kylie Bassett

- share and an extended family vacation; Kori

Byrd - savings. The group plans to continue

playing the lottery together as this winning

experience has brought them even closer

together. The winning ticket was purchased at

Frank’s Supermarket in Quesnel.