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Dangerous Curves donates to Quesnel Holiday Food and Toy Drive

The group supports the food and toy drive each year from its annual toy run
Members of Dangerous Curves present a cheque to Coral Byrd from the Quesnel Food and Toy Drive.

The Dangerous Curves women's motorcycle group donated $2,850 to the Holiday Food and Toy Drive from its annual September long weekend ride to Barkerville. This year the ride stopped at Wells due to difficult conditions around Barkerville over the summer.

"We get all the bikers together that we know to do a run out there," explained the group's vice-president Dolly Domino. During the run, bikers donate money and toys to the food and toy drive. This year they did an auction with goods donated from local businesses at the Jack of Clubs in Wells where over 70 bikers and a number of members from the Prospector's Car Club participated in the drive.

Domino said it is one of the club's biggest events.

"This is the one for the kids. That's what this is about, to support the families and the kids," Domino said. The other events they do throughout the year go towards supporting other groups.

Coral Byrd organizes the food and toy drive and said donations like the one from Dangerous Curves are extremely helpful.

"The Holiday Food and Toy drive is a collection of food and new toys from the community and families can register and they come on Dec. 15 and 16 and they can choose what food they want and what toys their children want and go have a good Christmas," Byrd said.

There are opportunities to support the drive all around Quesnel with donation boxes located at businesses throughout the city and events being held that go to support it. 

On Dec. 6 and 7 there will be a popcorn and bake sale at West Park Mall.

Dec. 7 and 8 will also have the RCMP Stuff-a-Cruiser event at Walmart where Mounties will be accepting donations of non-perishable food and new toys.

The third opportunity for Dec. 7 will be at the River Rush game where people can donate hats and gloves. There will also be an opportunity to drop off toy donations at the game.

Donations will also be accepted until Dec. 13 at West Park Mall across from Lensmasters.

The final opportunity to support it will be Dec. 14 at the Roos game for the annual teddy bear toss event.

Austin Kelly

About the Author: Austin Kelly

Born and raised in Surrey, I'm excited to have the opportunity to start my journalism career in Quesnel.
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