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Quesnel Legion Beach renovations underway

The office building is being torn down, and the replacement will include wifi for the beach
Joanne McCallum and Ian Campbell were at the hollowed out building on Thursday, March 25, preparing it for a complete demotion. (Cassidy Dankochik Photo - Quesnel Cariboo Observer)

Residents planning on heading down to Legion Beach at Dragon Lake this summer will notice some changes.

The old office and cabin is in the process of being torn down, and will soon be replaced with a modern solution.

“After however many years it’s beyond salvaging,” Ian Campbell said. “By getting rid of it, we’ll improve the beach.”

The building’s metal roof and insides have been removed. Campbell said the Legion will be replacing the office with a trailer pad. The trailer will replace the office, and will be fitted out with sewage, water and even wi-fi.

“Wi-fi will be for the whole beach,” Campbell said. “Right now it’s a work in progress. We’re trying to bring us into the 21st century.”

The Legion Beach at Dragon Lake is aiming for a May long weekend opening, and Campbell said he hopes to have work on the new office done by opening day.

“We need the volunteers to assist us,” Campbell said. “If it comes together, it comes together.”

A new office isn’t the only improvements in the cards for the public beach. Campbell said the Legion is hoping to replace the shower and washrooms, and create space for an extra camping spot.

“We’re hoping to get funding and grants to put an accessible dock in here.” he said. “Disabled paddle boarders or kayakers, will be able to launch on the lake.”

The Legion is also planning to remove many of the trees on the shoreline to create a more welcoming space.

READ MORE: Royal Canadian Legion adjusts to pandemic with electronic poppy sale pilot

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