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Quesnel's newest Japanese volunteer

Shogo Inamoto is enjoying his time in Quesnel and even showing off a little cooking skills.
Shogo Inamoto shows off his culinary skills.

Our most recent volunteer to arrive in Quesnel is Shogo Inamoto from Kamagaya-shi, Chiba prefecture, Japan a City near Tokyo with a population of 100,000. His job in Japan was studying human environment.

Inamoto has studied English in Toronto at the International Language School of Canada (ILSC) for six months.

He took basic English conversation, presentation, writing, grammar and listening.

Inamoto came to Toronto in 2011 just after the earthquake on March 28.


He is 22 years old and has an older sister, Nao who is 26 years old.

Nao married a Canadian man from Halifax in April 2010 and they now live in Chiba prefecture.

Inamoto arrived Oct. 2 in Quesnel and is looking forward to learning about people of Quesnel and the surrounding area.

Inamoto came to Quesnel for its natural beauty and  also found very kind people here, many of whom he’s getting to know better and better each day.  He will stay in Quesnel two months then off to Vancouver.

He’s enjoying   experiencing the real Canadian culture and it’s people here.

Also he feels he will be able to share his Japanese culture with people in Quesnel and Canada to ensure the future of Japanese visitors.

Inamoto likes movies, especially international films.

He’s watched so many movies he can’t count and the movies he likes best are action, romance, and  drama, such as Shawshank Redemption and Good Will Hunting.

Another one of his interests is  playing Go.

Go is a fascinating board game which originated in China, but also is a traditional board game in Japan.

Now it’s played by millions of people, including thousands of people in United States and Korea.

The game is played by two players using black and white stones on a vacant board of intersections. The object of the game is to use one’s stones to surround a larger portion of the board than the opponent.

Inamoto particularly enjoys competitive Go.

He is an energetic and enthusastic addition to the volunteers at Shiraoi House, always smiling and willing to help out with whatever  has to be done.

He helps cook meals and clean up at Quesnel/Shiraoi House meetings

or socials and even cooks a meal or two.

Submitted by Diane Graham.


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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