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Quesnel boxer belts it out in Mexico matches

Robyn Grant hits the mat running for Team BC
Robyn Grant lands a punch on Alex Delgado of Edmonton. (Photo submitted)

Quesnel’s provincial boxing champ just got some international experience under her belt.

Robyn Grant, 22, earned herself a spot on Team BC, earlier this fall, and in their first foray as a group they went to Mexico where Grant got into the ring for a pair of official fights.

“She had two bouts in Mexico, so that was good experience for her, the more fights she can get the better off she will be,” said her 2 Rivers Boxing Club coach Wally Doern.

Grant is competing in the Elite age division. She was up against Mexican fighters, in her two appearances, so she had never stepped onto the mat with them before.

“The first bout she lost in a split decision to Dulce Garcia,” said Doern. “The next bout she won by TKO (technical knockout) in the first round. She really turned it up, because she thought she should have won that split decision, so she decided to go all out against her opponent, a fighter named Nicole Garcia.”

Grant got on the BC Boxing Association’s provincial team by fighting one of Canada’s best, in the Elite division, during the provincial championships in North Vancouver at the end of November. She had no opponent in her weight class, and lighter national team member Nyousha Nakhjiri didn’t either, so they fought each other in a meet-in-the-middle bout that overlapped their respective weight classes.

Going up against Nakhijiri that day was a big developmental step in Grant’s career, Doern said.

This time, she and Nakhijiri were teammates, fighting in the same uniform on foreign soil against international opponents.

“Robyn already has some great tools, and the more experience she gets the better she’ll be able to use them,” said Doern. “Fights like these are good for her and good for Team BC. Training is fine, but a boxer needs to box and she’s quite a boxer.”

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