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Canada’s first female Anglican Archbishop to tour Northwest B.C. Easter weekend

Visit will take Linda Nicholls, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, to 8 parishes
Archbishop and Primate Linda Nicholls of the Anglican Church of Canada will tour the Northwest during Easter weekend, April 6 to 9, visiting eight different parishes and serving community members in the Smithers soup kitchen.

The nation’s first female Archbishop and Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada (ACC), Linda Nicholls, will be touring the Northwest during Easter weekend, spreading blessings to parishioners and the public from April 6 to April 9.

During her tour, she will preside over services, perform baptisms, and complete community works in more than eight visits to different parishes as well as spending a day serving food to those in need at the St. James Anglican Church soup kitchen in Smithers.

The Archbishop’s schedule includes Maundy Thursday service on April 6, 7 p.m. at St. Andrews Cathedral in Prince Rupert; April 7 Good Friday Meditation 10 a.m. service in Port Edward at Christ the King; a Good Friday Communion 2 p.m. service in Terrace; A 7 p.m. Good Friday Meditation Service at St. Peter’s in Hazleton. Also, April 8, at 7 p.m. will be an Easter Eve service at Camp Caledonia in Telkwa; Easter Service with Baptism on April 9 at Holy Trinity, Gitlaxt’aamkis (New Aiyansh) followed by a 2 pm Easter Service with Baptism at St. Andrew’s, Laxgalts’ap (Greenville).

According to her biography from, Archbishop Nicholls has an extensive career prior to being installed as Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada in July 2019. The Primate has the main pastoral responsibility for the entire church while not specifically holding responsibility for a particular diocese.

When called to the position of Primate of Canada, the Archbishop assumes the role of Chief Executive Officer of the national church office, which is located in Toronto. Additionally, the Primate serves as the president of the General Synod, the chair of the Council of General Synod and the chair of the House of Bishops.

“Previously, she served the church as Bishop of Huron (2016-2019), Area Bishop of Trent-Durham, Diocese of Toronto (2008-2016), Co-ordinator for Dialogue for Ethics, Interfaith Relations and Congregational Development at the national office, and almost twenty years as a parish priest in the Diocese of Toronto. With degrees in music (BMus) and education (BEd) Linda taught high school music and math at Woodstock International Christian School, India, for five years before theological studies at Wycliffe College (University of Toronto) and ordination as a deacon (1985) and priest (1986). She also holds a Doctor of Ministry degree (University of Toronto, 2002),” the website states.

“In addition to her commitment to healthy vibrant parish communities, Linda has engaged in the renewal of the healing ministry in congregational life; ethics in healthcare; spiritual direction; national theological commissions and ecumenical dialogue. She has served as the Co-Chair of the Anglican Roman Catholic Dialogue in Canada and is a member of the third Anglican Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC III).

“Linda delights in opportunities to exercise her gifts as a teacher in leading retreats and conferences. Choral singing, wilderness canoeing and walking fill her recreation time along with her duties as staff to a cat.”