Three of the four elections within the Cariboo Regional District have seen a change in directors.
Incumbent Angie Delainey has lost her seat to newcomer Melynda Neufeld for Area E – South Lakeside and Dog Creek. Delainey received 148 votes while Neufeld, whose father was the late Byron Kempt was a past CRD Area E director, garnered 197 votes.
Incumbent Jim Glassford won his seat for Area I – Narcosli, Nazko and West Fraser with 120 votes over Sage Gordon’s 65 votes.
Incumbent Gerald Kirby lost his seat to Tolin Pare for Area J – West Chilcotin in a commanding lead. Pare got 213 votes to 51 for Kirby.
East Chilcotin Area K incumbent Chad Mernett lost his seat to former director Betty Anderson in a tight race that saw Anderson garner 33 votes and Mernett 25.
Eight Cariboo Regional District area directors won their seats by acclamation.
Neufeld thanked everyone in Area E for electing her to serve as the director.
“I am deeply humbled by your support, and I want to assure you that I am going to work day and night to make sure your concerns are heard at the board table. Whether or not you voted for me in this election, I want you to know that I am dedicated to serving you.”
Anderson said she is very happy to be serving again as CRD director for the East Chilcotin, Area K.
“Thank you for all the support. I am looking forward to seeing more of everyone in the area, hearing your concerns and representing you at the board table.”
Pare thanked all his supporters for voting him in as the area J CRD director and all the volunteers who helped with his campaign.
“I would also like to thank Gerald Kirby for the last four years of dedicated service with the CRD. As the new CRD director I believe in being open, honest and approachable. I encourage you to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. Once again thank you for your support.”
All the other directors who were acclaimed include Area A - Mary Sjostrom, Area B - Barb Bachmeier, Area C - John Massier, Area D - Steve Forseth, Area F - Maureen LeBourdais, Area G - Al F Richmond, Area H - Margo Wagner and Area L - Eric De Vries.
Of an estimated 30,040 electors, 852 people voted.
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