It’s time to rock, for those interested in what’s underfoot and underpins the local landscape.
The melting snow is when rockhounds get their boots on and head out into the gravel beds and mountainsides to find the most interesting material.
Rockhounds often work alone, but this year is special for Quesnel, because our city is host to 2023 Rendezvous along with their counterparts in Prince George. Those interested in the science of geology and the art of lapidary will gather here for conversation and inspiration.
“If you’re interested in rockhounding, this is a great time to join Quesnel’s local rock club,” said Shannon Crocker, founder and current president of the Quesnel Tumbling Rivers Rock Club (TRRC).
The TRRC is co-hosting the BC Lapidary Society’s 65th annual gathering, Rendezvous 2023, based at the Barlow Creek Hall & Campground from June 9-11.
Crocker is excited for the upcoming event, which was postponed in 2020 and 2021 due to COVID-19. She has built on work done by past-president John Kimmie, and partnered with the Prince George Two Rivers Rock Club, for the hosting duties. Quesnel Gold Show will feature a gold panning showdown, demonstrations, rock identification and much more
“Rendezvous is a BC Lapidary Society yearly event where members of the society province-wide gather to take part in field trips, a mini show, workshops, and demonstrations,” said Crocker. “We will be open to the general public Saturday June 10 and Sunday June 11 from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. We welcome anyone interested in learning more about our local club or the BCLS to join us.”
The Quesnel club is one of over 30 in British Columbia under the umbrella of the BC Lapidary Society. The membership fee for the local club includes BCLS membership with access to other clubs’ activities, workshops, and field trips.
The Quesnel TRRC welcomes adults and children accompanied by adults with an interest in collecting rocks, minerals, crystals, and fossils. Both beginners and more advanced rockhounds and lapidarists are invited to join.
“The club has monthly meetings where we cover club business and have a Rock of the Month presentation,” Crocker said. “It has been a great experience to gather with other rockhounds as we support each other in learning more about our finds and how to identify them. We also have field trips and a summer barbecue where we show our finds. As well, members have the ability to use club equipment such as tumblers and rock saws at modest cost.”
For more information and to join the Quesnel Tumbling Rivers Rock Club, please email
The BC Lapidary website is
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