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Coun. Thapar is acting like a spoiled child

City Coun. Sushil Thapar is only working to undermine Mayor and council.


In response to the letter submitted by Robert Wayne in the July 25 edition of the Observer, I have a few of my own observations and comments to share.

You see Coun. Sushil Thapar as a man of integrity, I see a spoiled child who didn’t get what he wanted, which was Ron Paull as mayor and he is now determined to make Mayor Sjostrom’s term as difficult as possible.

I also attended the July 16 council meeting and was disgusted by the behaviour of this man you praise. I felt he was rude, sullen and disrespectful.

While other councillors behave in a professional manner and are working hard on their respective committees they have been assigned, Thapar is spending his time trying to discredit them and the Mayor.

Thapar was constantly looking to Pat Morton in the gallery for approval during his performance.

Twice they had to call point of order when Sushil wouldn’t stay on topic. Every time he had a turn to speak he was on the attack. Time and time again, Sushil and his supporters have accused the rest of council of being “Mary’s puppets” which is incredibly disrespectful to our elected council, most of whom got far more votes in the last election than he did.

Make no mistake, Sushil Thapar is the puppet here.

I believe with Ron Paull losing the race for mayor for the third time, he and his wife, Pat Morton, and others are using Sushil to try and discredit and undermine mayor Sjostrom.

I find it interesting Ms. Morton was using her iPhone to record the proceedings. Maybe she was so proud of Thapar’s performance she wants to be able to watch it over and over. When council asked if Sushil would attend an in camera meeting to discuss his censure, his response was that he would attend with his lawyer.

I find his statement that he feels threatened and intimidated to be laughable. Maybe he should hire a body guard. Sushil Thapar would like everyone to believe he is working in the taxpayers best interest but don’t be fooled. What I see is a man with a personal vendetta. I believe he has zero respect for anyone who is not on his side. I witnessed his lack of respect for others during the election forum at Correlieu last fall.

When Coun. Roodenburg was responding to the question about her accomplishments during the last time, Sushil mocked her by patting himself on the back and making faces.

He also rudely chatted with the fellow next to him through most of the forum when others were speaking. In my opinion the only ‘scared little child’ in council chambers is Coun. Thapar.

Anita Reid
