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EDITORIAL: Canadian population more stressed out now than during 2020 lockdowns

There is comfort in knowing that strife challenges us to strive for something better
(Chilliwack Progress file)

It will come as no surprise to many that a recent study by Angus Reid titled the ‘Perfect Storm Survey’ indicates roughly half of the Canadian population is more stressed out now than during the 2020 lockdowns related to COVID-19.

So what’s got us tossing and turning at night?

According to the survey of 1,519 Canadians, for 84 per cent it’s inflation and cost of living. Seventy per cent are worried about their physical and mental health brought on by fear of getting COVID-19, and by burnout and sleep deprivation. Two thirds of us are stressing out over pandemic-related restrictions.

Roughly 63 per cent of us are worried about being able to save money, 54 per cent about managing day-to-day household expenses and 47 per cent about managing debt.

READ MORE: Dentists see pandemic stress in patients with more grinding, cracked, broken teeth

Forty-one per cent of us are worried about job insecurity – reduced hours and pay, layoffs, and lack of new opportunities while a full 35 per cent are worried about having enough money to pay the rent. Forty-nine per cent cited rising payroll taxes as a significant concern. This online survey was conducted on Jan. 5.

As they say, misery loves company, and there seems to be enough of that to go around for everyone these days.

But here’s another cliché for the mix – when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

There is comfort in knowing that strife challenges us to strive for something better.

While that level of optimism might be a hard sell these days, there is always hope and a silver lining, and inspiration can rise from adversity, as has been proven time and again by all those generations that came before us.

It might be too cold to set up a lemonade stand, sure. But as they say, necessity is the mother of invention.

– Black Press Media

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