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If you carry a Shrek-sized load, look to the good Shepherd

Salvation Army lieutenant Laura Van Schaick speaks about the need to stay close to the Good Shepherd

Have you heard the story of Shrek the sheep?  Shrek became a national icon in New Zealand after eluding shearing for six years by hiding in caves.

When he was finally caught, Shrek looked a bit ridiculous, boasting a fleece weighing in at 60 pounds – that’s enough wool to make 20 large men’s suits!  The average fleece, when shaved annually, weighs in at a mere 10 pounds.  Shrek’s famous 60 pound fleece was shaved on national television and auctioned off for charity.

How often do we wander away from our Shepherd or attempt to hide from Him amid the busyness of our lives and find that we are carrying a heavier-than-necessary load?  Psalm 23 reminds us that The Lord is [our] Shepherd, and it is He who cares for us, tends us, shears us even. He removes the unnecessary burdens of fear and doubt that can overwhelm us, just as Shrek’s 60 pound fleece would have been a burden to him. In Psalm 81:6a God says I removed the burden from their shoulders and He can do the same for us also, if we let Him!

Are you running from your Shepherd today? Do you think that you know what is best for your life and are finding things not working out? Are you afraid of acknowledging your need for a Shepherd? Are you a sheep who was once close to the Shepherd but has gone astray, caught up in the distractions of this world? Perhaps you are carrying a burden in your life that the Good Shepherd can easily shear off if you simply allow Him to work in your life. Seek out the Good Shepherd, and your burdens of fear and doubt will be replaced with peace and hope – a much lighter load to carry!

Laura Van Schaick is a lieutenant with the Salvation Army Quesnel Corps.