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Integrity of heart

Rawlin Falk of the Maple Park Alliance Church writes of the commitment of integrity

Psalm 101:2 I will give heed to the blameless way. When will You come to me? I will walk within my house in the integrity of my heart (NAS95).

The “I will” found in Psalm 101 is a commitment to integrity. The root of this word is the same as the word integration or integrated. Integration refers to the blending of two or more groups of people. An integrated circuit is one that is joined together. A life of integrity is one that is together. One whose words and actions line up. It is the opposite of hypocrisy. A man or woman of integrity is one who is as good as their word. Many a man proclaims his own loyalty, But who can find a trustworthy man? Proverbs 20:6 (NAS95)

Integrity is a commitment that is proven on the ground of trouble. Difficulties have the value of showing us what is truly in our heart.

The difficulty will pass but our response when being tested becomes the reputation that goes with us long after the trouble is over.

The Psalmist’s commitment to live with integrity at home is important. It is our family and those closest to us that know us best.

We may be able to put on a face in public, but it is our home life that shows what type of person we really are.

Most of us are able to realistically evaluate how well we are getting along at home.

This is a better indication of our integrity than how well we feel we are doing in public. What we are at home (in our heart) will eventually come out in public.

Integrity is one of the keys to inviting God’s presence into our homes. It is a commitment requiring constant attention and a humility to acknowledge our need of personal growth.

Rawlin Falk is a pastor with Maple Park Allilance Church.