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Letter to the editor: Adds up

Meriel Wild writes in to weigh in on council spending on meals etc.


How many of you work in a place where you get free tea, coffee and pop?

Very few, I should imagine.

If the mayor is serious about wanting to reduce expenditures, then she could start with installing a pop machine at city hall and getting staff and council to pay for their beverages like everyone else (including other city worksites).

As well, they could stop spending money on free meals, and either schedule meetings before or after lunch or supper, or brown bag lunches, as most working people do.

Last year city hall spent almost $3,700 on beverages and almost $3,000 on council meals.

Making these cuts may only result in a small saving, but it addresses this sense of entitlement that seems so pervasive amongst mayor and council, whereby they feel that the taxpayer should pay for lots of free little perks.

Over time, lots of free little perks adds up to lots of additional taxpayer dollars. It’s time to set a better example of fiscal responsibility.

Meriel Wild


Editor’s note:

The meal total covers the cost of catering for council and North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee functions. The beverage total cover the total cost for items such as coffee, tea, soft drinks etc. All the beverages used at city hall, including those used for committee meetings, special events, hosting groups, coffee for staff etc. (not just council.)