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Take control

Here we go again. If you haven’t had a chance to read the letters page, do it. If you don’t know what Coun. Sushil Thapar is talking about, Roodenburg’s letter can be found at under our opinion section, sub-category: letters.

Here we go again.

If you haven’t had a chance to read the letters page, do it.

If you don’t know what Coun. Sushil Thapar is talking about, Roodenburg’s letter can be found at under our opinion section, sub-category: letters. 

If you’re still scratching your head, I earnestly implore you to start paying attention now.

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: It is this community’s responsibility to follow the ins and outs of our elected officials. After all, we are paying them. 

If you don’t care about land stability issues, our RCMP station and officers, the city’s water, sewers, roads and bylaws, then surely you care about money.

And, of course, money is what they’re squabbling about.

Over spending, within budget, Freedom of Information requests, in-camera (as in, private) meetings, motions of censure (the political equivalent of being put in a corner), allegations of harassment, and good old fashioned he-said, she-said action.

How could you not pay attention?

With a municipal election slated for fall, the debate is only going to get hotter.

Tired of hearing about it? Think Thapar is after Mary’s job? Think Roodenburg’s budget plea was bogus? Did Thapar harass city hall workers? Did members of council misuse taxpayers money?

Right now none of it is clear, it is simply a back-and-forth verbal sparring match, in and out of council chambers. 

What is crystal clear is the fact every single one of us has an obligation to pay attention to what’s happening, attend debates (yet to be determined) and form an opinion.

We put them in there, we have the power to take them out. 

This is our city, our money and our future. Take control.