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Thank you needed

Quesnel volunteer retires without a word of thanks from the community

If you left a job you had worked at for more than 10 years, would you expect some recognition?

What if you had volunteered for a small community for more than ten years?

How would you feel if no one noticed you left something you built from the ground up, by yourself, for the community to enjoy?

Such is the situation of a Quesnel resident.

She and her husband have volunteered in a community cemetery for the last 11 years, having started from the ground up.

When the pine beetle epidemic hit, she and her husband, with the help of the cemetery owners, hauled all the affected trees out and took care of the land, all voluntarily.

Now they are both sick and getting older and have decided to “retire” from their volunteer work.

But, they have been “retired” from taking care of the land for over a year now and no one has yet recognized their efforts.

Don’t you expect at least a card when you leave a job, especially if you have been there more than a decade?

Does the fact that it was volunteer work make it less important?

When is the last time you volunteered some of your time to the community? Let alone eight to 10 hours a day.

I don’t know about you, but I’d be pretty hurt too if a community I had served for such a long time did nothing to show their appreciation for my hard work and dedication.

I’d feel a bit let down.

So, please make sure you notice people around you are working hard to make your life easier.

Even those who don’t get paid. They count too.