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Understand what God is really like

One of Quesnel's churches discusses the need to know and understand God

This is an important question because you can’t relate properly to God if you don’t understand what He is really like.

How do you imagine God? Some people imagine God as an impersonal force. In the media God is often portrayed by thunder, lightning, earthquakes and other terrifying manifestations. Some imagine him as a crotchety old man, waving his cane at them, toothless, feeble and weak. He may tell you what to do but you don’t have to pay much attention. Others imagine God as an irate judge, sitting up in heaven condemning people to hell, loving every minute of it.

Jesus exploded all the stereotypes of God when He came to earth. He showed us what God is truly like. In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus defined God in just two words, “our Father.” Matthew 6:9 says, “This is how you should pray: Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name.” We love to have titles that make us look good but God has chosen only one title by which we are to call Him - our Father.

God is a person, not simply a power. We can relate to a person; we can love, understand, and get to know a person. For some, the name father is not a positive term. It can stir up memories of an unhappy childhood. Some fathers make their homes hell on earth, being selfish, demanding, neglectful, impulsive, inconsistent, moody, or abusive. When we hear God is like our father we say, “no thanks, God.” Unlike your earthly father who is imperfect, your Heavenly Father is a perfect father.

There are only two qualifications for becoming a child of God, our Father - Believe and Receive. Then you will really know what God is like.

Jan Motteram is pastor of Lakeview Church.