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Beaters with heaters burn around the Quesnel 4x4 facility

Off-road isn’t off-beat at all when these drivers get their machines together

The gravel rampaged out in plumes from the tire treads, the engines revved like dinosaurs in battle, and the only part of some drivers’ dirty faces you could see was a row of teeth when they grinned with pleasure through the dust mask.

The first major event on the Quesnel 4x4 Club’s calendar ripped some new features in the tracks and ramps at their ever improving facility. There were armloads of sub-events for the drivers to compete in, and hot sun to make it as Mad Max as possible.

“There were 12 Beater With A Heater participants and three obstacle participants, for a total of 15 racers this last weekend,” said Katie Hough, one of the club’s key volunteers, recounting the June 3-4 set of events. “Beater With A Heater groups were drawn at random for each heat and the final event was everyone together if their rig was still running. Also each heat and final was awarded points for participating in the race (this would be to start a series in the future), so how you finished may be different than how you placed at the end of the weekend.”

“This is the first time that we ran the Beater class on part of the obstacle course track; the racing in the trees really added a new challenge for the drivers and their rigs, exciting, and traffic jams,” said club president Rob Wilkie.

“Before this weekend’s racing we had a whole bunch of track improvements made and a whole new section for ‘rock crawling,’” Wilkie explained. “We recycled a school’s foundation into an almost vertical wall for the buggies to challenge themselves. Farrow Contracting has made something so steep that no one has claimed to be first over the top yet.”

In addition to those improvements, said Wilkie, “Emcon services has stepped up and helped us improve track surfaces and made sure we had equipment available for our next round of improvements, including the ‘burnout pad’ for Billy Bogger Days coming up in July.” (Yes, that’s a clever play on Billy Barker Days, that’s when that event is held.)

The final points placing for the weekend:

1st - Keanne Blight

2nd - Flint Gordon

3rd - Layne Dagneau

4th - Alex McAbee

Obstacle final results:

1st - Sam Davies

2nd - Catlin O’Flynn

3rd - Rob Wilkie

For a full list of the event’s results, check out the online version of this story.

June 3, 2023:

Beater With A Heater:

Heat 1 (Group 1) results:

Ist - Alex McAbee

2nd - Devin McAbee

3rd - Wade Euverman

4th - Pierre Bouchard

Heat 1 (Group 2) results:

1st - Keanne Blight

2nd - Tyler Tresierra

3rd - Jonas Davies

4th - Dalton Crossman

Heat 1 (Group 3) results:

1st - Flint Gordon

2nd - Matt McAbee

3rd - Layne Dagneau

4th - Brock Hawkridge

Heat 2 (Group 1) results:

1st - Layne Dagneau

2nd - Wade Euverman

3rd - Pierre Bouchard

4th - Tyler Tresierra

Heat 2 (Group 2) results:

1st - Flint Gordon

2nd - Devin McAbee

3rd - Keanne Blight

4th - Matt McAbee

Heat 2 (Group 3) results:

1st - Alex McAbee

2nd - Brock Hawkridge

3rd - Dalton Crossman

4th - Jonas Davies

Heat 3 (Group 1) results:

1st - Keanne Blight

2nd - Layne Dagneau

3rd - Tyler Tresierra

4th - Brock Hawkridge

Heat 3 (Group 2) results:

1st - Flint Gordon

2nd - Wade Eauverman

3rd - Alex McAbee

4th - Jonas Davies

5th - Devin McAbee

Obstacle - Big Tire:

Heat 1 results:

1st - Sam Davies

2nd - Catlin O’Flynn

3rd - Rob Wilkie

June 4, 2023:

Beater With A Heater:

Heat 4 (Group 1) results:

1st - Keanne Blight

2nd - Flint Gordon

3rd - Brock Hawkridge

4th - Matt McAbee

5th - Dalton Crossman

Heat 4 (Group 2) results:

1st - Alex McAbee

2nd - Jonas Davies

3rd - Layne Dagneau

4th - Pierre Bouchard

5th - Wade Eauverman

FINAL results:

1st - Keanne Blight

2nd - Wade Euverman

3rd - Layne Dagneau

4th - Flint Gordon

5th - Jonas Davies

6th - Alex McAbee

7th - Pierre Bouchard

8th - Brock Hawkridge

9th - Matt McAbee

10th - Dalton Crossman

FINAL (points) placing for the weekend:

1st - Keanne Blight

2nd - Flint Gordon

3rd - Layne Dagneau

4th - Alex McAbee

5th - Wade Euverman

6th - Jonas Davies

7th - Brock Hawkridge

8th - Matt McAbee

9th - Tyler Tresierra

10th - Devin McAbee

11th - Pierre Bouchard

12th - Dalton Crossman

Obstacle - Big Tire:

Heat 2 results:

1st - Sam Davies

2nd - Catlin O’Flynn

3rd - Rob Wilkie

FINAL results:

1st - Sam Davies

2nd - Catlin O’Flynn

3rd - Rob Wilkie