Today I am very sad. Our local firehall is in peril.
My family has been apart of the Kersley Fire Department for generations, my father, my brothers, my husband and now my son. A time span of decades. As their family member so have I. As a child growing up in that hall, I always had an extra extended family to call my own. The members of our hall were friends, mentors and a safe place. A place for teenagers to hang out and learn some important life skills. One of them being the dying art of volunteering.
As the years have gone by and some of the faces have changed, these key fundamentals have remained the same. It makes me incredibly sad to imagine my community without our firehall. So much more than just fire protection will be lost.
Regardless of the reasons why this is happening. I want to thank all volunteer firefighters.
The ones that can stay and the ones who will be removed from service. Thank you.
Thank you for your countless hours of training. The missed family time. The lost income. The hours spent in classrooms and driving to training sessions. The lost sleep. For responding even when you didn’t want to. For attending false alarms, when the moon looks like flames and fog looks like smoke. The emotional cost that you might live with for all you have seen. For doing what others are not able or willing to do. For keeping my community safer by sacrificing something of your own. For all that you do that is not seen, heard or noticed.
Thank you.
Michelle Syvertsen
LETTER: Shouting out a Quesnel initiative
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